Działalność naukowo-badawcza w Artromedical
W ramach działalności Artromedical staramy ciągle rozwijać nasze umiejętności zawodowe i poprawiać jakość opieki nad pacjentami. Jednym ze sposobów, w jaki dbamy o ciągły postęp jest prowadzenie działalności naukowej. Poprzez dokładne analizowanie, dyskutowanie i przedstawianie na konferencjach czy w ramach publikacji naukowych wielu różnych aspektów ortopedycznych jesteśmy w stanie krok po kroku poprawiać wyniki leczenia. Jeśli chcieliby Państwo „zajrzeć za kulisy” naszej działalności naukowej lub dowiedzieć się więcej na temat tego, dlaczego to robimy, zapraszamy do zakładki „Pisanie prac naukowych”.
Wśród publikacji „spod znaku Artromedical” możemy wymienić:
- “Prevalence and morphometry of sternal and xiphoid foramen: a meta-analysis on 16,666 subjects”, 2023, Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy,
- “Arthroscopic cystectomy and valve excision of popliteal cysts complemented with management of intra-articular pathologies: a low recurrence rate and good functional outcomes in a series of ninety seven cases”, 2023,International Orthopaedics,
- “The subscapularis muscle: A meta‐analysis of its variations, prevalence, and anatomy”, 2023, Clinical Anatomy,
- “Impaction Fractures of the Lateral Femoral Condyle Related to Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Scoping Review Concerning Diagnosis, Prevalence, Clinical Importance, and Management”, 2023,Clinics in Orthopedic Surgery,
- “Transient spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee (SONK) shortly after SARS-CoV-2 infection: A report of 2 cases”, 2022, Advances in Clinical and Experimental Medicine,
- “Cam Impingement of the Knee: Arthroscopic Correction of Posteromedial Tibiofemoral Incongruence”, 2022, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Both arthroscopic and open posterior knee capsulotomy are effective in terms of extension recovery and functional improvement—systematic review”, 2021, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy,
- “Why Determining the Native Length Change Pattern of Medial Patellofemoral Ligament Is Still a Challenge: State-of-the-Art Review of Potential Sources of Heterogeneity within Studies Evaluating Isometry of MPFL”, 2021, Applied Sciences,
- “Platelet-Rich Plasma in Anterior Cruciate Ligament Quadriceps Tendon Bone Reconstruction—Impact of PRP Administration on Pain, Range of Motion Restoration, Knee Stability, Tibial Tunnel Widening and Functional Results”, 2021, Applied Sciences,
- “The PCL Envelope Lack Sign (PELS) Is a Direct Arthroscopic Sign of Chronic Posterior Cruciate Ligament Insufficiency”, 2021, Applied Sciences,
- “Maturation of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Graft—Possibilities of Surgical Enhancement: What Do We Know So Far?”, 2021, Applied Sciences,
- “Arthroscopy-Assisted Management of Schatzker Type III Lateral Tibial Plateau Fracture With Interference Screw Fixation”, 2021, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Quadriceps Tendon-Bone Full-Thickness Autograft: Reproducible and Easy Harvesting Technique Using Simple Surgical Tools”, 2021, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Translation and rotation analysis based on stress MRI for the diagnosis of anterior cruciate ligament tears”, 2021, Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery,
- “Synovialization and Revascularization Enhancement in Repaired and Reconstructed ACL: PCL Fat Pad Transfer Technique”, 2020, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “External Snapping Hip Syndrome Endoscopic Treatment: "Fan-like" Technique as a Stepwise, Tailor-made Solution”, 2020,Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “You Can Repair More Tears Than You Think—Tricks for All-Inside Lateral Meniscal Repair With Nonabsorbable Sutures”, 2020, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Technique for Treatment of Subchondral Compression Fracture of the Lateral Femoral Condyle Associated With ACL Tear”, 2020, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee: what do we know so far? A literature review”, 2020, International Orthopaedics,
- “Arthroscopic Anatomic Anterior Talofibular Ligament Repair for Anterolateral Ankle Instability”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “All-Arthroscopic Posterior Cruciate Ligament Distal Reattachment With Extracortical Fixation”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament Reattachment During High Tibial Osteotomy: Regulate Tension, Preserve Stability!”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Medial Collateral Ligament Reconstruction With Anteromedial Reinforcement for Medial and Anteromedial Rotatory Instability of the Knee”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “All-Arthroscopic Treatment of Schatzker Type III Lateral Tibial Plateau Fracture Without Fluoroscopy”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Possible Approaches to Endoscopic Treatment of Popliteal Cysts: From the Basics to Troublesome Cases”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Minimally Invasive, Arthroscopic-Assisted, Anatomic Posterolateral Corner Reconstruction”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Tips and Pearls for All-Inside Medial Meniscus Repair”, 2019, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Arthroscopic Complete Posterior Capsulotomy for Knee Flexion Contracture”, 2018, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Arthroscopic Posterolateral Corner Stabilization With Popliteus Tenodesis”, 2018, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Long Head Biceps Tendon—Natural Patch for Massive Irreparable Rotator Cuff Tears”, 2018, Arthroscopy Techniques,
- “Selected cases of arthroscopic treatment of popliteal cyst with associated intra-articular knee Disorders. Primary Report”, 2011, OrtopediaTraumatologiaRehabilitacja,
- “Popliteal Cyst: Comparison of Complete Endoscopic to Intensive Nonoperative Treatment”, (SS-51)2009, Arthroscopy The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery,
- “Treatment of full thickness chondral lesions of the knee with microfracture in a group of athletes”, 2005, Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy,
- „Endoscopy of the Hip and Knee", wyd. Springer 2021, rozdział "Posterior Knee Endoscopy", ISBN 978-981-16-3487-1,
- "O barku od podstaw", wyd. Exemplum 2021, rozdział "Niestabilność stawu ramiennego", ISBN: 978-83-626690-52-7,